The Red Warriors


My photo
Sweetest Place, MeloDy BeacH, Malaysia
TAK BOLEh M3NANG SeLAGI TAK BLAJAR m3NGALaH!!11!!1!!1!!!!!!!!!!

Saturday, December 26, 2009

Cikgu Bahasa

Nice Translator is the fast, easy to use online translator designed with simplicity in mind...
fuhhh site ini banyak membantu aku .aku punye BI kan hancur berkecai so sbg solutionnye site nielah yg menjadi cikgu ku...kt sinilah aku akan mentranslatekn ayat2 dalam english to malay or sebaliknya..bahasa spain pon aku bole.ahhaaha
juz Add a translator..
select the language (malay) n press done..
then start typing and add translators . Nice Translator will do the restjom 

jom click sini....

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Monday, December 21, 2009

Facebook dan Youtube Kena Block?

Adakah anda pernah berada dalam situasi di mana facebook atau youtube umpamanya diblock.Di kolej atau di tempat kerja amnya situasi ini sering berlaku.Mase aku kt Kismec byk gak sites kena block.Dari domain ke file sampaila ke content filtering..
Sebagai solutionnya aku menggunakan Ultrasurf dan Freegate.
mudah dan cepat..
Banyak solution lain yg boleh digunakan antaranya use proxy service site cam, can’t bust me, or terbaik yg pernah aku jumpa

But i  think the better and complete solution are available here Global Internet Freedom Consortium

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Friday, December 18, 2009

Slax : Your Pocket Operating System

Boot from USB Drive, Mudah dipasang, saiz kecil dan look and feel is just tremendous.
SLAX adalah sebuah bootable USB Linux yg mana memungkinkan aku untuk kemana aku pergi.Aku juga boleh menjalankan USB-borne Linux daripada sebarang komputer yang akan membolehkan aku untuk boot ke USB, langsung memberikan sebuah sistem operasi lengkap yang merangkumi semua yang aku butuhkan termasuk aplikasi, email, dan fail-fail peribadi.mmm seperti Linux yg lain SLAX juga amat penting bagiku disaat windows corrupt or error.haaaha.selamat fail aku sempat copy.its so simple and fast.

dapatkan SLAX disini..
get Slax and muat turun Slax For USB(TAR)
selepas itu extract file (7-zip) ke dalam pen drive.
2folder iaitu BOOT dan SLAX.
click folder BOOT pastu click bootinst(follow the instructions).
reboot and boot from usb.

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Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Install XP 10 Minit?

Install windows xp mungkin melecehkan.Bayangkan dalam 1hari 3 4 pc.Lama lama naik jemu gak tunggu benda yg sama jew..

Jom extreme hack install xp in 10 mintues...
1.install seperti biasa boot from cdrom..
2. bila copy part is over..system akan reboot.selepas reboot screen biru akan muncul.
3.tekan shift+f10..pas2 akan muncul command tpe taskmgr (task manager akan muncul).
4.Goto Processes and find "setup.exe" right click on it and set the priority to highest.
5.Now wait n see (depends to system)
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Monday, December 14, 2009

Jika Aku Seorang Juruteknik

misalnya aku seorang juruteknik, menutup semua pc dalam makmal komputer mungkin melecehkan.Selalunya satu persatu pc dishut down dalam makmal.Bayangkan ada 100 misalnya or lebih.So mungkin kaedah menShut Down semua pc secara automatik adalah kaedah yg boleh diterima pakai... jom cmd

goto START >RUN - taip "CMD"

taipkan arahan > at 17:25 /every:m,t,w,th,f,s,su shutdown -f -s -c "Komputer Shut Down"
-pada jam 5.25ptg setiap hari isnin, selasa, rabu,khamis, jumaat, sabtu, ahad pc akan ditutup dan semua aplikasi ditutup dengan mesej komputer shut down-

untuk info arahan ini
taip at \\namakomputer

untuk membuang task ini
taip at \\namakomputer nomborID /delete
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Friday, December 4, 2009

Linux Basic Cmd

Pertama-tama Linux cmd are sentsitive case misalnya 'A' xsama dgn 'a'.
Basic cmd you must know

- pwd - Prints out on the screen the working directory (eg /etc/ssh)
- cd - changes directory (eg cd .. - goes up one dir; cd etc - enters /etc dir)
- ls - lists the content of the directory
- mkdir - creates a new directory (mkdir dir_name)
- touch - creates a new file (touch file_name)
- rmdir - removes a directory (rmdir dir_name)
- cp - copies a file/directory (cp source_file destination_file)
- mv - moves a file/directory - also used for renaming a file or directory
(mv old_location new_location or mv old_name new_name)
- rm - removes files (rm file_name)

To search a file, you can use

- find (used for filenames)
- grep

To view a file, you can use

- more - will display a file page by page
- cat - displays all the file
- head - displays the first lines
- tail - displays the last lines (useful for example when you want to view the last information logged in a file by the system for example)

To edit a file you must use a built-in editor from the command-line. Generally, this is vi and it's used with the syntax vi .

To uncompress an archive (usually tar.gz) you must use the tar command with the syntax tar -xvzf .

To print a file, use lpr command. Note that you must have some daemons up and running to manage the printer. Usually this is cups (Common UNIX Printing System) that comes with all major distributions.
To remove a file from printer queue (you can list the queue with lpq command) you can use lprm .

To mount/unmount (add in your file system as accessible media) use:

- mount /mnt/floppy - to mount floppies
- umount /mnt/floppy - to unmount floppie
- mount /mnt/cdrom - to mount CD-ROMs
- mount /mnt/cdrom - to unmount CD-ROMs

They usually mount automatically, but you could end-up in the situation where you must do it manually.
To mount a partition:
First create a directory in /mnt (mkdir /mnt/my_new_drive) then use the mount command (mount /dev/source /mnt/my_new_drive) where /dev/source is the device (partition) you want to mount in your file system.

If you want to connect to a remote host, use the ssh command. The syntax is ssh .

System management:

- ps - shows the current processes running (useful: ps -A shows up all processes)
In the list obtained by using ps command you will see a PID number (Process identification).

This number is required to stop a service or application. Use kill to stop a task.

- top - works somehow like the Task manager in Windows. It shows up the system resources, the processes running, average load, etc. Useful is top
-d - sets up the refresh period. You can put any value from .1 (10 ms) to 100 (100 seconds) or even greater.

- uptime will display the system's uptime and the load average for that moment, 5 minutes and 15 minutes in the past.

Usually, the load average is calculated as the percent of system resources (processor, RAM, harddisk I/O, network load) used at that moment. 0.37 means that 37% was used. A greater value like 2.35 means that the system had to que some data because it should be 235% faster to compute all without problems. Anyhow, this can be different from distribution to distribution.

- free - will display information on system's memory

- ifconfig - view detailed information about your network interfaces; generally your ethernet network interface will be named eth0. You can also set up the network settings like IP address or so by using this command (see man ifconfig). If something goes wrong, you can also stop/start the interface by using ifconfig up/down

- passwd - enables you to change your password (passwd own_user or others if you are logged in as root)

- useradd - enables to add a new user (see man useradd)

Anywhere you are, you cand use the TAB key to autocomplete a filename or command. This will be usefull when getting used to the commands available. You can also hit up arrow and down arrow to scroll through the history of the commands you entered.
You can also use multiple command on one line. Let's say you want to create 3 directories at once. The syntax is mkdir dir1 ; mkdir dir2 ; mkdir dir3.
Another useful thing is the pipe command. You can get a command output through another. Eg: man mkdir | tail will display the last lines in the manual pages of the mkdir command.

If at anytime you are asked for the root account (the super-administrator of the system) you can login in temporary with it by using the su command. You should also include -l (su -l) parameter to switch the home folder and available commands too. Note that you will be prompted for a password too.

To exit the shell type exit or logout.

thanz n credit to cyber terrorist
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Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Samba Server

Service : SAMBA
Install :#yum-y install samba (if there is NO smb in fedora packages)
.............#rpm-ivh (if there is smb in fedora packages)

Check Status : #rpm-q samba

Up service :#/sbin/service smb status-check status
.....................#/sbin/service smb start-start status
.....................#/sbin/service smb restart -restart status
.....................#/sbin/service smb stop- stop status

Configuration File : vim /etc/samba/smb.conf

Parameter : security=share | user| server
.................................(security=share; no need smbpassword)

Create share folder:
..............................Path= /demo

Restart samba : service smb restart

Additional info :

.Selinux turn off #vim/etc/selinux/config (selinux disable)
.Iptables #service iptables stop

.Give user authority :#mkdir /demo
.....................................#chmod-R 777 /demo (full access)

.create user account& samba password : # /usr/sbin/adduser demo
.....................................passwd demo
....................................#smbpasswd -a demo (restart samba)

.Uninstall samba : yum uninstall samba
.................................rpm -e samba

Nazra Info :

rpm -ivh samba -install samba
rpm -q -check status
vim /etc/samba/smb.conf -configure samba

setting security
path = /xyz
writeable = yes
browseable = yes
i=untuk enter masuk
esc=utk kuar
wq= utk kluar dr coding

mkdir /xyz
chmod 777 /xyz
/usr/sbin/adduser insep
password insep
smb passwd -a insep
/sbin/secure/smb restart

setup-system tools (seLINUX management disable permissive)

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